Gay Los Angeles
Bars & Clubs

The Abbey Food & Bar

(217 Ratings)
The place to be seen in WeHo
The large complex of indoor and outdoor areas has multiple bars, a plethora of candles, large fireplaces and comfy booths to enjoy sophisticated mixed drinks. Expect large weekend crowds.

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Over a year ago


I remember going here for the first time. I felt like a little kid in a ginormous candy store. Obviously times have changed. It has definitely lost its charm. The crowd is not as fun as before. The drinks are just so-so. Everything is extremely overpriced. And do skip their mediocre breakfast!

Over a year ago

Not what it used to be...

nice place, staff and energy both suck

Over a year ago

Never going back there

I went there Sunday night and almost got into a fist-fight with a straight man and his girlfriend who started bothering me and my girlfriend. We were in the back booths just enjoying a meal and this guy comes up to our table and starts asking us whether we like girls or boys, yada yada. I can't believe I had to deal with questions like that in a gay bar. Who does that? How is it his business? We are in a gay bar for Christ's sake. But oh it gets better. Instead of causing a scene right away, we humor him a little and just hope he goes away and leaves us alone. No such luck. Instead, he stands there and complains to us about his girlfriend and how women treat men badly and what's wrong with women. Then he PICKED UP MY PLATE of hummus with his grimy hands to do some kind of demonstration. I told him to put it down several times. He refused and said he was making some kind of joke. I finally had enough and started yelling at him to put my g.d. food down and f. off! He refused. I got up and charged toward him. He put the food down and ran away. We called the waiter over to get another plate of hummus since this freak breathed all over it. Five minutes later he comes back, with his stupid bi-curious girlfriend in tow, who comes up to us and says, "I want to know why they let these c's sit here." She proceeded to tell me that I had a "stick up my a--" and that what I did to her boyfriend was "bad karma". I told her her boyfriend breathed all over my food and we are just here minding our business trying to have a nice Sunday meal. She didn't hear any of it. The screaming escalated and finally the bouncer came over and removed them from our sight but did not kick them out of the club! Long story short: too many a-hole straight people in the club. Lots of bi-curious couples looking to take someone home for the night. What a shame. The Abbey used to be a cool place. Skip it. I am forty and have gone there for years, but I won't go back. I have had it.

Over a year ago

SBE ruined it

Ever SBE took over the Abbey it gets worse and worse. The Abbey used to be the best gay bar in LA, you could always find the perfect table for whatever occassion you had. Now they have every good table in the house reserved for the night, most of the time nobody ever shows up for them. SBE already has all the over priced, snobby, clubs, now they have their greedy paws on what was once the best place to spend the evening with your friends at a beautiful spot.

Over a year ago

Our Sunday ritual

Each Sunday we start off our early evening at the Abbey. It's the meeting place where all converge before we head off to the other bars, making the rounds. Expensive- yes. Find the right bartender and you're OK. Rude? Well, it's hard to make friends unless someone introduces you to someone else. No one cares to make an effort. We're usually in a group and we talk to anyone walking by or alone. We'd like to think we're a fun group. Been going to the Abbey since it was a coffee shop back in the day (across the street). The breeders (way too many as mentioned in the other reviews) - well, as the night goes on, the fun subsides, so we go to the other bars in the viscinity. Fun until 7:30-8 pm on Sunday night.

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Gay Los Angeles
Bars & Clubs